Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi

Welcome to Gandhian Modern Eco-village!

A model village, where we embody the eternal principles of Gandhi, Ganga, Giriraj Himalaya, and Gram. Gandhian solution is perhaps the only surest permanent rational solution to the impending catastrophic Global ecological crises: Gandhian Village Swaraj, Swadeshi, Sarvodaya, Antodaya, and Truth & Non-violence with Village Swaraj constituting its core.

About Us

National Women’s Organization (NWO) Pune is a non-profit Gandhian organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of Nature, Women and Gandhian Studies. It is working for a national non-violent movement to save the 4Gs viz. Gandhi, Ganga, Giriraj (Himalaya) and Gram (Village).

  • Gandhi symbolizes a culture of Truth and Non-violence, i.e., a culture of pursuit of ethical perfection as the ultimate goal of life and a selfless ethical life of universal love as its means.

  • Ganga symbolizes all rivers, water bodies, surface as well as groundwater, and aquatic life.

  • Giriraj, the Himalaya, symbolizes all mountains, forests and wildlife.

  • Gram symbolizes Village Swaraj.

We are happy to share that for the 1st phase, we have chosen Manitara Panchayat, Aska Parliamentary Constituency, Odisha, as our first pilot project village to experiment and test the Gandhian claim about the importance of village swaraj in the context of our present very grave global ecological crises. In the 2nd phase, we will expand this concept to other villages with the help of other like-minded organizations who would like to adopt this concept of National Women’s Organization.

For the 1st phase of a Gandhian Modern Eco-village project in Odisha, we would like to give top priority to creating the 4G ashram / ‘Gandhian Senior Citizens’ Ashram’ for like-minded Gandharan senior citizens, noble intellectuals & experts from different streams of life who can contribute to the Gandhian Modern Eco-village, Village Swaraj, pilot project in some way, each along with a Naturopathy Centre & an Ideal Gosala with natural farming / organic farming, etc., where they can live together with dignity.

4G Ashram is intended to be made an international center for creating mass awareness about Gandhian solutions to various major global crises through critically / rationally discussing them with the help of various like-minded eminent persons from different streams of life with deep respect for Gandhiji and his thoughts through meetings/seminars/workshops, etc. to be held every year between Gandhiji’s Birth Anniversary Day on 2nd October and Gandhij’s Salt Satyagraha Day on 12th March, and broadcasting them worldwide through various forms of mass communication.


The objective of National Women’s Organization, Pune's initiative on Gandhian Eco Village is to transform few villages in the light of the Gandhian conception of village swaraj into ideal modern eco-villages with Organic Farming, Cottage Industry, Goshalas and a world-class ‘Gandhian Senior Citizens’ Ashrams for like-minded Gandhians, noble intellectuals & experts from different streams of life who can contribute to various projects in Gandhian Modern Eco-village.

The model village will have a Naturopathy Centre and will use renewable sources of energy such as solar, biogas, etc. with the mission of Zero use of Fossil Fuel, as an experiment to test the Gandhian claim about the importance of village swaraj in the context of the present very grave global environmental crises.

We are happy to share that we have chosen Manitara Panchayat, Aska Parliamentary Constituency, Odisha, as our first pilot project to do an experiment to test the Gandhian claim about the importance of village swaraj in the context of our present very grave global ecological crises. In the second phase, we will launch a project each in Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and other states.


To begin with, we will create a Gandhian Vanprasth Ashram for Senior Citizens where like-minded senior citizens from different streams of life ( Gandhian senior citizens, Intellectuals, experts, etc.) can live, work together, share their expertise to fulfil the mission of a Ghandian Modern Eco-village. It will be an opportunity for them

  • To serve society through a collective effort with the help of their valuable knowledge, skill and wisdom.

  • Support the idea of Gandhian Village Swaraj along with creating the necessary mass awareness for the rejuvenation and preservation of our life -&-health -sustaining ecologically, aesthetically and religiously invaluable natural eco-systems with the help of their valuable knowledge, skill and wisdom.

  • Get due love, respect, security, comfort, medical and other necessary care in an eco-friendly atmosphere.

We believe that such a beginning would

  • Certainly be a major step in the right direction to use the valuable knowledge and wisdom of our noble able senior citizens constructively in our nation-building work.

  • Set an example for like-minded noble industrialists, Union and State governments to create similar Vanprasth Ashram for various great noble causes such as promoting awareness for environmental protection, communal harmony, awareness against rural exploitation, gender injustice, cast injustice, species injustice, etc.

In the long run, the successful creation of Gandhian Village Swaraj is bound to lead to:

  1. Stoppage of forced migration from villages to cities and voluntary migration of enlightened people from cities to villages to convert rural India into heaven for leading an enlightened life of simple living and high thinking in an atmosphere of natural purity and beauty.

  2. Promotion of natural farming /organic farming, cottage Industry, Village tourism, and use of renewable energies such as solar energy, biogas, etc. with the mission of zero use of fossil fuel in rural India.

  3. Stoppage of creation of concrete jungle in rural India. In the context of our present very grave global environmental crises, the growth of more and more concrete jungles is bound to create less and less natural forests, and less and less natural forests are bound to create less and less pure food, pure water, pure air, etc., which is absolutely necessary for health. Health is necessary for the pursuit of all four Purusharthas.

Blessings from H.H.Swami Tejomayananda Ji

H.H. Swami Tejomayananda Ji

Former Worldwide Head, Chinmaya Mission

Blessings from Smt. Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee

Smt. Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee

Grand daughter of Mahatma Gandhi and Shri C. Rajagopalachari

Blessings from Dr. V Mohini Giri

Dr. V Mohini Giri

Founder & Chairperson, Guild for Service

Padma Bhushan Awardee

A Tribute to Dr V Mohini Giri Didi Ji

We are deeply sorry to know that Dr V Mohini Giri passed away on 19th December. She was 85 years old and a great noble soul and a great social activist who worked selflessly for widows and through her organisation 'Guild of Service' for under privileged women and children till the end of her life considering her work as worship to God in the spirit of the Bhagavad Gita. She was a true Gandhian with deep respect for Mahatma Gandhi and his thought and as patron of our National Women's Organization, Pune worked for our Save Ganga Movement as a guide and helping us to organise some Save Ganga seminars / meetings and participating in them. Last time when we were talking about our Gandhian Modern Eco-village Piolet Project in Odisha, she expressed her deep anguish about the pathetic condition of our mother Ganga and our other great river mothers. Her message for our Gandhian Modern Eco-village Piolet Project in Odisha is attached here with.

The life of Dr Mohini Giri Didi Ji gives an example to us how one can lead an enlightened noble life working for the Good of society till the end of one's life even if one is physically very weak and unwell due to old age. We are sure God will help the departed soul to go higher and higher in the path of Moksha.

Oum Shanti!

With humility and dedication,

Mrs. Rama Rauta

Chairperson, Gandhian Modern Eco-village (4G Ashram)

Founder, Save Ganga Movement

President, National Women's Organization, Pune

Dear Friends and Fellow Seekers,

Welcome to the 4G Ashram, a place where the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi converges with the power of intellect. I am delighted to share with you our mission and invite you to join hands in this transformative journey.

Mahatma Gandhi's vision of "Swaraj," or self-rule, extended far beyond political independence; it encompassed the concept of "Gram Swaraj," which translates to the self-sufficiency and self-reliance of villages. He believed that the soul of India resided in its villages, and the well-being of the nation depended on the well-being of these rural communities. Gandhiji advocated for the revival of traditional handicrafts, naturopathy, organic farming, gaushala, and the importance of constructive work to uplift Indian villages. The village, according to him, was not just a geographical entity but a way of life, nurturing an environment of trust, cooperation, and sustainable living.

Inspired by Gandhian principles and the timeless wisdom of our ancient scriptures, the 4G Ashram is a contemporary embodiment of the Vanaprastha Ashram, a place where intellectuals, thinkers, and volunteers converge to work towards the ideals of Gram Swaraj. Here, we strive to build a modern eco-village, fostering an environment where individuals can immerse themselves in service, reflection, and intellectual exploration.

Note from Chairperson

We invite you to become a part of this transformative journey, to channel your intellect, passion, and skills towards the betterment of society. At the 4G Ashram, we offer a unique platform to engage in meaningful dialogues, engage in constructive projects, and promote sustainable practices that uplift villages and empower their residents.

As Chairperson, I extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join us in our pursuit of Gandhian ideals and the realization of Village Swaraj. Together, we can create a harmonious fusion of intellect and empathy, of tradition and modernity, and of spirituality and action.

Let us embark on this path of self-discovery and societal upliftment, guided by the profound teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, the sacred Ganga, the majestic Himalayas, and the vibrant heart of rural India. Your participation and commitment will be a beacon of hope and change for generations to come.

With humility and dedication,

Mrs. Rama Rauta

Chairperson, Gandhian Modern Eco-village (4G Ashram)

Founder, Save Ganga Movement

Former Member, Expert Advisory Committee, Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of WR, RD & GR, Govt. of India

Former Expert Member, National Ganga River Basin Authority, Govt. of India

President, National Women's Organization, Pune

Mobile: +91-9765359040, +91-9930537344


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